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Donald Trump Launched His Own Social Media Platform

Donald Trump launched his personal social media platform, which is nothing more than a blog of commentary from Trump.

After months of promises, Donald Trump has finally launched his own social media network – donaldjtrump.com. But, Mr. @DonaldTrump, it doesn’t look like a social media platform! It is a simple WordPress website.

The so-called social media platform is more like a blog, where only Mr. Trump can share his views. Users can only sign up to receive notifications when “President Trump” sends a message.

Similar to blog post, users can share Trump’s posts of Facebook and Twitter and can also give a like to a post.

A Twitter spokesperson told The Verge:

“Generally, sharing content from the website reference is permitted as long as the material does not otherwise the Twitter Rules,”

The platform, according to The Verge, was formally launched on Tuesday. However, posts are dating back to March 24th. When posting this news, the latest post on the ‘platform’ is a video advertising Trump’s social media network. The advertisement says that this platform is “a place to speak freely and safely, straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump.” 

According to Fox News, Trump will communicate with his supporters directly through this platform.

We all know that Facebook and Twitter blocked Trump’s accounts when a right-wing mob stormed the US Capitol, leaving five people dead.