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Epic Games Purchases Veteran Rad Game Tools

Epic Games

The software company Epic Games has confirmed the acquisition of Rad Game Tools. Rad Game Tools produce game development tools that will be part of Epic’s Unreal Engine in the future.

Rad Game Tools is a long-established company and has worked with Epic Games for years. Now the purchase follows. Epic takes over the company with all employees and continues their work as before. Both companies have now confirmed this. As the online magazine Techcrunch reports, Epic wants to use the acquisition to create even closer integration with engines and platforms in order to develop even better standards.

Cooperation becomes a merger

“Our collaboration with Epic goes back decades and the combination is a natural next step given our match in product, mission and culture,” said Jeff Roberts, founder and CEO of Rad Game Tools, in the announcement of the acquisition. Rad Games Tools have established video formats specifically for the gaming sector such as Bink Video. In addition, tools such as telemetry and oodle come from the company. 

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A large part of these is development tools that the layman hardly ever gets to see directly or that they ever knowingly come into contact with. Rad Games Tools are to be continued as an independent branch of the company. This is part of the takeover agreement because Rad wants to continue to support its partners from the games industry and from film and television with their tools.

Further details about the deal – and also the takeover price – are currently unknown. Epic has not responded to a request from Techcrunch regarding this.

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