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Europe’s Largest VR Facility Let’s You Experience The Gaming You Never Had

You can now visit EU’s largest VR facility in Paris and enjoy the whole new immersive gaming experience.

The mk2 VR facility has built up the biggest VR facility in Paris which provides astonishing virtual reality experience to the visitors. Unlike the conventional arcades, mk2 delivers the gaming experience that can never be experienced at home.

You can fly like a bird soaring over the New York buildings, using your attached wings. The game would let you spread and push your wings change your body direction to balance and fly over the buildings and see everything around you in 3D like a naked eye.

You can also start rowing with feeling of water around you and the mountains you are leaving behind as you push further. There are several other gaming experience that you can enjoy at mk2.

The facility is equipped with the best and latest VR headsets, Computers and sound systems which would let you discover the VR world at the maximum possible level of quality.

Mk2 charges 12 Euros equivalent to ($13 and 10 pounds) for a 20 minutes pass, and 20 euros for a 40 minutes pass. Mk2 is hoping to expand their facility in other cities of Europe including US and UK.