Facebook Error: Users Face Issue for the Second Time in 48Hours

On Feb. 24, a new Facebook error hit many accounts. Users encountered an error and were threatened with a warning message – “Someone may have logged into your account”.
Malware, spyware, adware – these are the few type of threats we often hear about or encounter, personally. While there are tons of anti-virus software to protect users’ system, there are some dark holes which are not easy to find and drop. These are the glitches created due to human error.
One such malfunction hit Facebook on Feb, 24 for the second time in the 48hours. Several Facebook users were given a warning message when they tried to log in.
“Someone May Have Logged Into your Account,” the warning followed by the title goes as:
In order to keep your information secure, we’ve locked your account. Before we can unlock it, please verify your identity and change your password. Your account will remain hidden until you complete this process.
Million of users faced this problem and in frustration, they posted an update about this glitch on Twitter.
However, this did not create big problems. The matter was resolved soon after its encounter.
A spokesperson followed by the glitch from Facebook told in an interview:
Earlier today an error in one of our systems designed to help prevent suspicious account access sent a small set of people to our account recovery flow unnecessarily.
We have fixed the issue and are in the process of clearing the affected accounts from this recovery flow.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
While a problem like this most likely happens when the team at the backend is updating their system, no one has yet disclosed anything about this flaw.
A same glitch like this has already been seen by many users of Gmail. Earlier this week, many Gmail users were automatically signed out from their accounts. The team confirmed that they had found the problem and will clear it soon. They also announced that no phishing threat has yet been encountered.
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