Facebook Has Increased Its Employees For Controlling Unethical Content

Facebook has increased its staff and hired 3000 more employees specifically with the aim to prevent and immediately remove unhealthy videos posted by the users.
Facebook is an ever growing community and currently has 1.94 billion users. This is a positive and encouraging factor for Facebook, but it comes with a price. Facebook users are diverse with various backgrounds and they can post anything they want to. As the ratio of unethical and inappropriate videos has increased on Facebook, they have decided to control the traffic and increase their staff. Increasing the employees’ does not ensure anything, but it is more likely now that any inappropriate reported video would get immediately noticed by Facebook and it would be removed before it gets spread.
Must read: Blasphemous content removed from Facebook
Creator and owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg believes in creating a global community through Facebook but that community should be safe and not become a platform where anybody can post anything. A check & balance is necessary and solely for that purpose more employees are hired. Hate speech and videos of rape, child exploitation etc., if posted would be eradicated before they come in to public eye.
A wise step has been taken, but implementation and dedication of employees would determine the future of it.
Image via: Wikipedia
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