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Fastest Growing Programming Languages of 2018 – GitHub

Fastest Growing Programming Languages: Github has seen fame among the coders towards statically typed languages that focus on type safety and interoperability.  Kotlin was ranked as number one, followed by Rust. A human-readable language, HCI has twice the contributors who use this language. Python that is a famous learning machine has gained 8th position. In comparison to the previous year, there were 1.5x more contributors writing GO this year.

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The Octo-verse roundup activity of GitHub has brought various dimensions to the world of the developer. The site has gained over 96 million code repositories, 21 million organizations and 31 million developers that contribute to the site.

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Among the fastest-growing languages of 2018 are included the following:

  • Kotlin with 2.6x contributors
  • HCL with 2.2X contributors
  • TypeScript having 1.9x
  • PowerShell 1.7X
  • Rust 1.7X
  • CMake  1.6X
  • Go 1.5X
  • Python 1.5X
  • Groovy 1.4X
  • SQLPL 1.4X

These languages gained a lot of attention for being user friendly. They are the fastest-growing languages of 2018 according to GitHub.

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