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Firefox Users Are Declining According To The Recent Statistics


When it comes to increasing the number of users, Firefox is not only running out of fuel, it is also going out of flames. As an evaluation shows, the Internet access tool with a fox logo has lost millions of users since 2019, and the downward trend is continuing.

Firefox: fewer and fewer users are burning for the browser

In 2019 Firefox had around 250 million users, but since then it has been clear that a large proportion of these users no longer burn for the browser. As the statistics of user numbers from the developer Mozilla, which can be viewed by everyone, show that around 50 million monthly active users have been lost in the last three years – that is, 20 percent of the total user base. At least one statistic also points to positive development: The remaining users spend a little more time with the browser on average.

According to the available figures, the downward trend continues and gives little hope for long-term development. If the number of users continues to fall seriously, Mozilla could also run into problems with the current financing model. The company is currently in negotiations with search engine operators who pay for the placement in the browser. These will certainly put the negative development in user numbers on the negotiating table.

Requires More Attention

The current development makes it clear once again why Mozilla has tried almost desperately in recent years to put its income on several pillars apart from search engine placement. However, there is little financial counteracting the serious drop in user numbers with projects such as your own VPN services and advertising placements. It will be very interesting to see how Firefox and Mozilla will behave in the next few years.