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Free Spotify Version Will Remove More Features Soon

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Spotify Free can only be used with a number of restrictions. Listeners have to accept greatly reduced audio quality and advertising. Now the free version of the streaming service is becoming even less attractive due to the removal of a previously included function.

The scope of functions is further restricted

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services worldwide. This is also because there is a free version. This allows you to listen to music without users having to pay for it. However, the functions in this version of Spotify are severely limited. Now another feature that was previously available free of charge is disappearing behind the payment barrier.

Song lyrics only for premium users

Last September, Spotify began a pilot test by only making the option to display the lyrics to a song available to some users in the paid premium version of the streaming service. As Android Authority reports, this feature will now be removed for all customers who do not have a paid subscription.

Spotify Free is becoming less and less attractive

In this way, Spotify probably wants to encourage more listeners to pay for the music service. Because the free version is now even less attractive. Customers have always been unable to determine the order in which songs are played and have to listen to advertisements between individual songs that cannot be skipped. The audio quality is also significantly lower in the free version. The newly introduced AI-generated playlists are also only available to paying customers.

It remains to be seen whether the calculation will work out and whether this next step in restricting functions will attract more customers to a premium subscription. After all, there are now alternatives with other providers such as YouTube Music that make significantly more features available to their users free of charge.

Just last fall, Spotify also increased the price of its subscription. For the individual version, it rose from 9.99 euros to 10.99 euros. Spotify Premium Duo even became 2 euros more expensive and now costs 14.99 euros.

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