The South Korean conglomerate is all set to debut the upcoming Galaxy Watch 6 series. Some recent reports suggest that the upcoming smartwatches by Samsung could feature a big screen and high resolution in contrast to the previous-gen smartwatches. Where the size of the forthcoming smartwatches will be the same as the previous ones. Thus, suggesting that the company will cut the bezel around the display. This will give the watch a more premium look.
The Galaxy Watch 6 series could feature big screen
The latest information comes from the tipster Ice Universe. The tipster claims that the 44mm Galaxy Watch 6 model could feature a 1.47-inch screen. It will offer a 480 x 480 pixels screen resolution. in contrast, the 44mm Galaxy Watch 5 was provided with a 1.4-inch display and 450 x 450 pixels resolution. Besides this, the company will introduce thin bezels with the new watch. Reportedly, they will be 0.9mm thinner than before. Definitely a little design improvement from Samsung.
Coming towards the 40mm Galaxy Watch 6. It will feature a 1.31-inch display and a screen resolution of 432 x 432 pixels. The bezels on this smartwatch will be 1.4mm slimmer than last year’s offerings.
The galaxy watch 6 series will come in two more sizes
The new series will be offered in two more size ranges i.e., 42mm and 46mm. These two sizes will be equipped with 1.31-inch and 1.47-inch screens. They could be introduced as the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic. The bezel ring will make a comeback with the Galaxy Watch 6 series. Last year, the company introduced the Galaxy Watch 5 series in three sizes. However, none of them featured a bezel ring. Some reports suggest that the company won’t introduce a Galaxy Watch 6 Pro this year.
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