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Get.it.com is a new domain name registrar

For the effective operation of an IT company, it is necessary to create an active website, which means to come up with an individual domain. At first glance, this may seem simple – just choose a consonant combination with your company and enter it into the selected zone. However, it often happens that all the titles that fit perfectly are already taken. What to do in this case? There is a way out – you need to contact the experts. A new registrar on the market get.it.com will definitely solve the problem quickly and cheaply.

How to choose a domain name

The website is the business card of the company, therefore, when designing it, it is necessary to register a domain on the selected site. For it to be successful and benefit the owner of the company, you must follow these rules:

  • choose a phrase that will be consonant with the name or direction of the company;
  • The name should be short and memorable;
  • it is better to enter a keyword in the name, then there are more chances to be in the first lines of search engines.

It is quite difficult to choose such a name on your own. Most domains in popular zones .com, and .info are already taken, and it will be very expensive to come up with something original. That is why it is better to choose another, less popular registrar. The new it.com zone is an opportunity to buy a domain name at an affordable price.

Advantages of the .it.com zone

The Get.it.com project is a new development Intis Telecom Is an international telecommunications company that serves customers of various levels around the world. The new zone is open to everyone: it can be used by both new companies and old ones that have decided to upgrade. The platform offers customers a third-generation domain, ideal for IT spheres. The benefits of the zone.it.com include:

  • There are a lot of free names on the platform that can be combined with verbs or emoji, resulting in an original domain;
  • The cost is set as standard for all orders, regardless of the level of coolness and brightness of the name – $ 49;
  • For buyers who value uniqueness, premium names are offered, and the price for them is set by the registrar or in the form of an auction if there is a strong demand;
  • You can choose a name not only in English, but also in other languages ​​​​, and even symbols are used;
  • When choosing, the emphasis is on SEO indicators, which automatically brings the site to a good position.

The company provides full support free. Very convenient for young companies who want to get a cheap domain name and at the same time quickly promote your site. In addition to IT companies, the zone is convenient for entertainment, shopping pages, and many others.

Conditions for ordering a domain name on get.it.com

Those wishing to get a new domain name or register an old one in a new zone should contact the official website. Domain name registrar offers the most simplified scheme for a quick solution to the problem. Initially, you must enter the desired name and start the search. The system then determines if it is free. If yes, then you just need to pay and you can safely use it. If the name is taken, you have two options: choose another name or apply for arbitration

The purchase is made legally, the owners provide data for WHOIS. This will allow in the future to resolve controversial issues with the name of the site. After the expiration of the domain, it can be renewed. The cost is also affordable – from $30. New domainget.it.com is an easy way to create a website for established and start-up companies.