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Google adds antivirus to Chrome for Windows

All internet users must be annoyed with various unwanted programs being installed on their computers; some programs are really harmful for privacy and data protection. But the most common form is the popping up ads and redirecting to the other sites. Not everyone is tech savvy and understands the basic internet and web security, and not everyone can use better antivirus software in their systems, keeping that in mind Google has just announced on their blog.

But before that let’s take a short tour to Chrome features that are already available. Chrome already has tools which can protect you from unwanted software, Chrome’s safe browsing would keep the pests out, it would prevent your computer from being infected by these kinds of software—According to Google’s transparency report. But it is not always necessary that Google’s safe browsing is always 100% safe, some tricky software can bypass the security and slip into your computer, to make the security feature stronger, Google is rolling out three new changes to the Chrome for better protection.

The Hijacked Settings Detection  

When you install third-party extensions to your Google Chrome, some extensions hijacks and changes the Chrome settings automatically without you even notice it. When Chrome settings are changed you may become more vulnerable to internet threats.

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Now Chrome will have the capability to detect changes without your consent, after detecting changes Chrome will offer you to restore settings from the past month or when the change was made. Google said it has protected millions of users from unwanted settings.

If Google doesn’t detect the changes and you believe that there might be a change in settings from the past, you can also reset your profile settings anytime from Chrome settings menu. It would keep your browser’s settings as default/protected all the time.

Chrome Cleanup Feature

The second useful change Google is going to deliver is “Chrome Cleanup Feature” this feature would offer you to clean up the unwanted software during the internet downloads. When you download a program or a file from the internet, it has often some unwanted extensions, browsers, and software attached to it, they are also downloaded with the main program or file and you don’t even notice that until that program starts bothering you.

Google has now fully redesigned the Chrome Cleanup, the new feature has the simple interface, Chrome will detect the unwanted software and prompt you to remove the software from your computer and go back to your Chrome’s default settings. It will also display the information which file or program exactly is being removed, just like you see the information in most antivirus software.

More Sophisticated Virus detection

The third and powerful change is the detection, Google has collaborated with famous IT security company ESET, Google has merged its own antivirus engine/sandbox technology with the ESET’s detection engine in order to make it more sophisticated and updated.

But Google claims that Chrome will only remove the unwanted software that doesn’t comply with their unwanted software policies. It is not a general purpose Antivirus though.

The update has already started rolling out, you may expect it over the next few weeks if you haven’t received the update yet.