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Google AI will now describe images for people with vision disabilities

Google is a vast platform that covers almost all areas. A lookout app was recently launched by Google that helped people with vision disabilities navigate their surroundings through the technology of AI. And with the latest update, Google tends to take it to the next level by updating its accessibility app.

Google’s AI will now answer your questions about images

As per information via Engadget, Google is adding an “image question and answer” feature to the app. This feature will explain the context for images with no captions. This feature will elaborate images without captions or any alt text with DeepMind-developed AI technology.

As elaborated by Google, this latest feature will allow users to elaborate on images without captions or alt text. It will allow users to ask questions about the image to get an elaborate description of the image. As an example, if in the image there’s a dog, you can ask through this feature if the dog seems playful.

This feature is in the testing phase and is limited to certain users for now. Google is aiming to expand it publicly for a larger audience soon.

Google Maps to display wheelchair-accessible labels

The Lookout update was a recent accessibility update. Along with that, Google has updated Maps to now display wheelchair-accessible labels that are now available for everyone.

Before visiting a place, you’ll be able to see if that place has a stair-free entrance, symbolised by a wheelchair icon. If the location is missing a wheelchair entrance, the app will warn you about it.

These features are working as steps towards going further in terms of improving this feature and helping people who are facing difficulties due to vision disabilities.