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Google Chrome battery problem to be fixed with Chrome 53

Google Chrome battery

Google released a new version of Chrome titled Chrome 53 over the previous week. The new Chrome 53 is a step forward in countering the claims made by Microsoft of the poor battery life offered by using Chrome. Earlier this year, Microsoft released a video where it started the battery war with Chrome and Opera. Google Chrome battery problem is nothing new but its rebuttal to Microsoft videos comes as an assurance that it is taking steps to enhance minor problems.

The issue of Google Chrome battery on Microsoft

Microsoft pulled a stunt by placing Surface Books side by side and compared battery life across popular web browsers. Edge, chrome, opera and Mozilla Firefox were all compared in terms of battery life on Microsoft computers. It showed that Google Chrome battery problem was worse since, it drained the battery of its life quickly. Windows 10 also has notifications that urge users to switch from Chrome to Edge.

Read all about how Google Chrome fixed battery problems with Chrome 53

Chrome has finally responded to Microsoft claims by releasing a video which compares Chrome 53, on Surface Books. The new Google Chrome 53 is upgraded with sleek material design and improved battery life but neither Microsoft nor Chrome has yet compared the performance of Chrome 53 on operating systems.

The claims made by Google for Chrome include around two hours of more battery life with Chrome 53 as compared to Chrome 46, which includes HTML5 video playing from various outlets.

Google blog reports that Chrome 53 is also good news for Mac users since, it will now be using 33% less battery power, from browsing to playing videos. There are a lot of issues with Google Chrome and the company has not yet claimed to have solved every issue-from minor bugs to battery usage-but it seems that Chrome 53 is an effort in making things right.

Image via Google Chrome Blog