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Google Delays Third-Party Cookies Removal From Chrome

Google actually wanted to completely eliminate third-party cookies in Chrome this year. However, the launch of the Privacy Sandbox as an alternative has been delayed for several reasons. As the company has now announced, this will no longer happen in 2024.

User tracking through cookies

Third-party cookies are generally used to record and analyze Internet users and their behavior. For example, advertising tailored to a person’s interests can be displayed. In order to better protect the privacy of its users, Google announced some time ago that it wanted to abolish third-party cookies in Chrome.

“Privacy Sandbox” initiative as an alternative

The so-called Privacy Sandbox should take its place. With better data protection, this should still allow suitable advertisements to be displayed. Google has started testing parts of the system for some time now. But as the company has now announced, the official start and with it the end of third-party cookies in the Chrome browser has been postponed.

Privacy Sandbox is delayed

The change was actually planned for the second half of 2024. Now it will take until at least the beginning of 2025 for the Privacy Sandbox to arrive. This also has to do with the concerns of the British market regulator CMA, which requires an update from Google every quarter on the status of the initiative.

Google says in a blog post, “We recognize that reconciling diverse industry feedback […] is an ongoing challenge, and we will continue to work closely with the entire ecosystem. It is also important that the CMA has sufficient time to consider all evidence, including the results of industry tests, which the CMA has requested from market participants by the end of June. Given these two important considerations, we will not phase out third-party cookies in the second half of the 4th quarter.

We hope to be able to complete this process this year. Provided we can reach an agreement, we plan to begin phasing out third-party cookies early next year.”

CMA fears abuse

Since even more user data ends up exclusively with Google with the Privacy Sandbox, the CMA fears that the group could consolidate or further expand its dominance in the advertising market. There are then virtually no limits to misuse.

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