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Google has announced Pay with Google for faster checkouts

Google has launched today “Pay with Google” where you can check out from any card stored in your Google account, sounds similar to “Pay with PayPal” right?

Google wants to make it easier for you to check out, a speedy check out you can ever experience, you must have come across many checkouts where the process is quite frustrating, apart from your favorite shopping sites, where all your details are already saved, if you have to buy something that you like from third-party stores the tiring event is when you see a bunch of forms to be filled out after you press the button “Check Out”.

But now Google is bringing ease to this process, you can use “Pay with Google” option using your phone, tablet or even desktop while checking out. Do not confuse it with Android Pay which Google has announced a recent update for by adding new banks and financial institutions to expand the service.

Google checkout is working almost similar to PayPal, you have your added cards in Google account while checking out you just Pay from your card using “Google Pay” it’s that simple.

However, you can currently make use of “Pay with Google” at 15 recognized places currently, you can either use Android app or Chrome browser at the following 15 places to make faster and speedy checkouts whenever you like. The more places are being added to the list, you will be able to use Pay with Google at more locations by the end of the year.

Google said, it will not charge any transaction fee to use Pay with Google and only requires a code to implement it, Google rolled out its Payment API to developers worldwide in May, now its time for developers to implement Pay with Google Checkout.