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Home » Technology » Google » Google provides an explanation for its decision to guarantee seven years of updates for Pixel phones

Google provides an explanation for its decision to guarantee seven years of updates for Pixel phones

With the launch of the Pixel 8 series, Google declared that it will now offer seven years of software updates to its Pixel devices. It means enhanced functionality, extended security, and a smartphone that will continue to feel new years into the future. But in real life, how will this function? Google’s VP of Devices & Services Software discussed this ground-breaking pledge in a recent podcast.

Seang Chau, vice president of devices and services software at Google, highlights the enormous amount of teamwork needed for this project. Consistent testing and seamless updates required early involvement from partners such as chip suppliers, the Android team, and even carriers. The use of Tensor chips, on the other hand, makes things simpler since updates need to be optimized for that particular hardware only.

It is further improved with the help of year-round beat programs and Quarterly Platform Releases (QPRs). Google now receives more thorough input on improvements prior to their release to the general public. They can now incorporate features that were previously limited to significant Android versions into smaller, more frequent updates.

Before announcing the new terms and conditions for software updates, several factors including secondary markets were considered by Google. They concluded that there was sustained use of older devices well beyond the seven-year mark, therefore they guarantee to maintain your Pixel safe and up to date for the duration that you own it.

Not every function will, however, be made available for older devices after the first few years. Google will instead concentrate on software-based upgrades that don’t put a lot of strain on the hardware. Every effort will be made to retain features that were first introduced on more recent models for older Pixels. An example of this is the arrival of Gemini Nano to Pixel 8.

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