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Google Search will now display AI-summarized results


According to some recent pieces of information, the tech giant Google is experimenting with a new feature for Google Search results. Reportedly, the company is testing a new feature that uses AI to generate summarized results. Last year, the company announced the Search Generative Experience (SGE). The feature was only available to a few selected users.

According to a report by Search Engine Land, the company is testing out the new feature with a few US users irrespective of the fact that the testers signed up for SGE or not. When specific queries are searched for, these summaries will show up at the top in a darkened region. This is especially the case for questions that Google considers difficult or that require information from numerous sources.

For instance, a user searches for ‘How to remove oil stains from clothes?’ Google’s artificial intelligence may evaluate relevant information and offer a brief response directly in the search results rather than making the user browse through numerous websites. In this way, search process will be speed up. It will eliminate the requirement of clicking on links.

The firm hopes to learn more about how a wider audience could find this technology useful by asking users who haven’t opted into SGE for feedback. This will be accomplished by making this functionality default for select users. Currently, the company is working on this feature simply as an experimental feature.

One thing to consider here is that how this will impact the websites that rely on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) traffic? Getting answers in form of AI summaries will eliminate the chances to visit a website. It will certainly impact online businesses and content creators who rely on clicks for revenue and consumer base.

According to Google, these summaries will appear only when they are beneficial as compared to standard results. Still, we can expect a shift in consumer behavior. Google’s decision to make the SGE experience the default option for many users instead of an experimental opt-in shows how much the company is beginning to believe in its AI technology and its ability to completely transform the way people search the internet for information.

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