Gordon Ramsay Now on Alexa for Commenting on Your Food

Gordon Ramsay—the celebrity chef has built an empire depending on his culinary arts and by providing his honest feedback on the cooking skills of others. Now he has got his very own Amazon Alexa skill for commenting on your food.
Gordon Ramsay is a British celebrity chef, a restaurateur and a television figure. He is an influential personality in the culinary world.
Alexa needs to be prompted with the question “Alexa, ask Gordan Ramsay what he thinks about my food”.
Asking this and getting a praise or criticism could recreate the vibes from Master Chef, Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares—the shows where Ramsay has brought many of the home cooks and restaurant owners to tears by his insults.
While prompting Alexa even the dish name could be inserted in the command like fried chicken, mac and cheese or a pizza, however, there are no personalized comments available on specific dishes.
Ramsay in a press release said that he would be reviewing every dish that he is asked to provide a review about. This Alexa skill would not actually be helping anyone in becoming a better cook, but it for sure could make the cooking task a little bit more fun and exciting.
Amazon and Ramsay have very recently made a partnership for the Super Bowl advertisement for Alexa, where the voice assistant—Alexa for a brief moment loses her voice and instead of her voice the celebrities like Ramsay and Cardi B try replacing her.
The Gordon Ramsay Alexa skill has been rated as mature, it was developed with the assistance of Ground Control—the audio firm behind the Alexa skill—Biden Briefing—in which the ex-United States vice president reads curated news briefings.
For adding the skill users just need to say “Alexa, enable Gordon Ramsay”.
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