Heart Scan Can Now Be Used To Unlock Any Device

Usually, most of the biometric procedures require your fingerprints, iris scanning, and face ID to unlock the phone. Now researchers have moved a step ahead. A person’s heart can now be used to unlock any device. The shape and size of the heart, authenticate the identity of the individual.
University of Buffalo researchers have built a computer authentication system. It looks into the heart and shape of an individual to grant him access to the device. The individual needs to stand the appropriate place for the system to use its low-level Doppler radar and scan the dimensions of the heart. It takes almost 8 seconds for the scanning procedure and then it monitors it closely for some time.
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The authors said, “We would like to use it for every computer because everyone needs privacy. Logging-in and logging-out are tedious.”
If an individual does not have a heart disease, the heart won’t change throughout his life. So this method is quite reliable and it can also work from longer distances. Moreover, this system can be used in airports to authenticate the identity of the people from a distance of 98 feet. Users can use heart scan to gain access to their smartphones as well.
Authors informed, “No two people with identical hearts have ever been found, and people’s hearts do not change shape unless they suffer from serious heart disease.”
The system will not be damaging to the heart as radar’s power is much less compared to Wi-Fi. The system is almost 5 milliwatts and it operates out radiation less than 1% out of total radiation given out from smartphones.
This technology can be used in the measurement of electrocardiogram signals, as an alternate for passwords or biometrics, unlocking a computer etc. The size of the system is so small that it can be put at a corner of a computer keyboard, installed in smartphones and airports without making it noticeable.
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