How to tackle and resolve your sleep problems

Drifting off into a cosy slumber is one of life’s pleasures that can often evade a large amount of the population. The Panda London 2022 Sleep survey shows that 30% of the sleepers surveyed have between 4 to 6 hours of sleep, and 10% survive on less than 4!
The reasons for not sleeping can vary, from work and worry to small children who keep people awake and late-night television. But whatever the reason, lying awake when you know morning is fast approaching is frustrating—affecting your mood, energy, and concentration for the following day. Here are a few tips to help you learn how to tackle and resolve your sleep problems.
If you struggle to get to sleep:
- Set the alarm. Whilst it can be tempting to hit snooze or lie in at the weekends, especially if you lack sleep, this can affect how you sleep the following night. Regular sleep and wake-up time may help as your body naturally gets into a sleeping and waking rhythm. Which, over time, will make falling asleep and getting up easier.
- Try a bedtime ritual. Having a routine will let your body and brain know it is time to relax and sleep. Include things like dimming lights, avoiding phones, reading or taking a warm bath.
- Napping. If you nap too late in the day, it can be challenging to sleep at night, as you do not have a chance to get tired again before it is time to go to sleep. If you need a nap, try to get into the habit of napping early and then waiting until bedtime to go to sleep, as this may make falling asleep easier.
- Remove distractions. It is usually easier to sleep in a peaceful, tranquil room, free from distractions. Removing distractions like the television and mobile phone and turning off the lights will help your brain switch off and get some well-earned rest.
- Optimise comfort. It can be hard to nod off if you can not get comfortable or are too hot. Choose a breathable mattress, pillow, and bedding to prevent overheating and give you the support you need.
- Do not try to force sleep. Often the more you “try ” to get to sleep, the more elusive sleep becomes. Instead, tell yourself you are relaxing until you feel sleepy. This reframe removes the pressure and frustration of trying to get to sleep and makes sleep far more likely.
The Panda London 2022 survey showed that 80% of sleepers experience disrupted sleep; if this happens to you, you are not alone, and there are solutions.
If you wake up during the night:
- Overheating. Many people report waking up because they get too hot. Overheating may be avoided by using breathable materials, which will help your body stay warm rather than hot, in multiple layers, which can be easily removed if the weather is warm.
- External noise. Many noises are out of our control and can be particularly disruptive in a busy city. Playing white noise as a background can help to keep your brain focused on something else, reducing the likelihood of waking.
- Avoid caffeine. Whilst caffeine is known for keeping people awake, it is also thought that it can cause frequent awakenings during the night. Therefore, it may be worth reducing your caffeine intake to get a better night’s sleep.
Most of us will suffer from not being able to get to sleep and waking up during the night. However, you can reduce the chance of lying awake for hours by making simple changes to your bedroom surroundings and sleep habits. To help you get an excellent night’s sleep and wake feeling fully recharged and ready for the day ahead.
Alexia is the author at Research Snipers covering all technology news including Google, Apple, Android, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung News, and More.