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How to Achieve a Better Night Sleep | Take Charge of Your Wellness


It’s true that quality sleep is a solid foundation for good health, wellness, and a more stable mind. Aside from easily falling asleep and staying asleep through the night, we all want to finally wake up feeling refreshed and energised. If you experience sleep issues and can’t start your day without nodding for hours, you are not alone.

With the stress levels and pressure modern people have to cope with, it is not a surprise that insomnia and disturbed sleep are common problems. According to the 2016 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost a third of worldwide society drags themselves out of bed in the morning because of poor quality sleep at night.

Do you Need to Get Better Sleep?

Although everyone is talking about healthy sleep, not everyone understands its importance and how it affects health. In case you are one of those who always wake up tired and fuzzy-headed, it would be hard for you to concentrate during the day. In addition, lack of sleep affects mood, productivity, and energy, making you sleepy, angry, and unfocused.

Being sleepy and tired can also boost the release of hunger hormones. That is because a sleepy brain loses executive function, making it harder to choose healthy food. As a result, chronic lack of sleep also increases hunger and makes you gain weight.

3 Tips to Create an Environment for Quality Night’s Sleep

There are numerous factors that affect how you sleep. But a sleeping environment plays a key role in your sleep quality. Some people sleep better when they hear noises outside, while others prefer silence or the sound of rain. While creating a soothing environment is certainly crucial, a matter of personal preferences are also vital.

Cool & Dark

Sleep experts believe that a cool and dark room is an ideal environment for quality sleep. Scientists report that the sweet spot for temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can always adapt the temperature based on your needs and preferences. Experts also say that the darker the room, the better. As a result, lots of people buy shades, curtains, or blinds to block all the light.

Peace & Quiet 

Sleep is associated with a quiet and soothing place. Even though peace and quiet are the two most common things that usually help create better sleep quality, some people prefer some noises. That is because they lived in areas where sounds, like traffic or rain, were regular, so they got used to these sounds, which now required them to fall asleep. So you should know your personal preferences before creating a specific atmosphere.

Some people with sleep issues also like playing soothing music or sounds that allow them to fall asleep. Many applications, like the sound of rain app, are specially designed to help people enjoy their favorite sounds for quality night rest. 

Choose the Sleep Position

While you will likely move during sleep since that’s okay, the sleeping position is in charge of how fast you fall asleep. Pillow is also vital, as the wrong choice of pillow for sleep will make it hard to sleep. A comfortable mattress is also essential, but whether it will be soft or firm is up to you.

Try to identify the best position for you. You can be a side sleeper and require a pillow that comfortably supports your head, neck, and ear. In contrast, those who prefer sleeping on their backs should buy a thinner pillow to eliminate stress on the neck.

5 Ways to Relax For Better Sleep

It is essential to have some time to relax and unwind after a busy day. But it doesn’t mean that you need to lay down and listen to soothing music or turn your home into a silent retreat. But just a few small changes in your pre-sleep ritual may calm your mind and body while also easing the transition from daytime to night.

Soothing Music 

Imagine how calm your evening could be if you listen to soothing music when preparing your dinner, taking care of your skin, or brushing your teeth. If you prefer watching TV or listening to the news when you get home, try to listen to music instead of all these activities that may put you under stress and make it hard to sleep. If you are looking for apps that can help you find needed soothing sounds, consider a fall asleep app.

Dim the Lights 

Once you come home after a tedious working day, we recommend you dim the lights or use candles for a more calming atmosphere. This will help your brain identify the time of the day and have extra hours to prepare for sleep before going to bed. Instead of switching on a bright overhead light, buy lamps, a dimmer switch, close curtains if you have them, or choose whatever you like to organise a soothing atmosphere. Dimming the lights when you come home also helps to stabilise the body’s natural circadian rhythms.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol 

The one thing you can do to make it easier for you to fall asleep is to limit caffeine and alcohol for 2-4 hours before going to sleep. Part of the calming down and preparing for sleep actually starts during the day. It includes limiting caffeine, exercising early, not drinking soda before bedtime, and reducing the amount of dinner.  

Expose Yourself to Natural Light

In case you want to achieve a quality night’s rest, you will need to expose yourself to natural lights (outdoors is best) as early as you can. Being outside and getting enough natural light throughout the day can keep your inner body clock healthy.

Avoid Work

We know how hard it could be not to work in the evening, considering remote conditions. Experts believe that working in the evening, even reading emails or chatting with colleagues trying to resolve some questions, can ruin inner body clocks and make it much harder to relax. You should remember that you don’t need to make decisions in the evening when trying to calm down, so try not to keep your mind active.