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Huawei 5G Trials in India to Start Soon


Huawei is having trouble in starting & maintaining operations in the western region including European nations and the United States. Also in India, it was not easy for Huawei to get permission from the Indian government to test its services. Earlier a few global 5G providers were invited by the Indian government including Nokia, Samsung, Ericson, Cisco, and NEC but the Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE were not invited.

Must read: Huawei Ban in European markets Begins

But now, the Indian government has allowed Huawei to participate in 5G trials. The global position of Huawei along with the trade and political relation between India and China has aided Huawei to start trials of its 5G technology in India.

The IT head of India welcomed Huawei’s entry in the country and also praised it for building the telecom infrastructure of India.

Huawei official statement read, “As a leading global supplier of telecoms equipment, we remain committed to developing trusted and secure solutions for our customers. We continue to receive full support from the Government and industry partners alike. Having a proven track record of doing business in the country, we continue to work closely with the Government of India and other industry stakeholders.”

The Indian government has set up an official forum to discuss the telecom issues especially the 5G development. The forum containshigh-level IT and telecom experts.