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Huawei poll on Facebook about Fingerprint sensor location draws interesting responses

Huawei has recently created a poll on Facebook asking their customers to vote for the position they prefer for the fingerprint sensor. Besides survey results, this shows Huawei is becoming more and more customer oriented and values the opinions and preferences their customers have. The customer-centric approach is making pushing the Huawei more into one of the loved brands globally.

As Huawei P10 and P10 Plus phones have fingerprint sensor at the front which is shown in the image of the poll, Huawei is comparing the front fingerprint sensor position of with its Huawei mate 9 which has the sensor at the back.

Interestingly, the results very close, only the difference of 6% is observed during the poll. Since all majority is authority even with one percent. 56% percent of the users would like the fingerprint sensor to sit at the back of their phones while 44% said they would like to have the fingerprint sensor at the front.

From the survey we can think of two possibilities, first people want change in the position of fingerprint sensor keeping that in mind there are not many phones with a front sensor, this also implies that there are fewer phones out there in the market which has a front sensor. For this reason, the respondents must be very low in number favoring the front sensor but 44% is a big number. Second, people who have used front sensor phones do not wish to switch and would like to stay with a front sensor, the front sensor users seem diehard fans.