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Inventors trying to Time Travel and Rewrite India’s History

Former vice-president Hamid Ansari said that a “new set of inventors” are trying to time travel by creating the time machine. They aim to go back in time and change India’s history.

Ansari said, “Years ago, a book called The Time Machine was written by HG Wells. The idea behind the book was that there would be a form of technology by which you could go back to visit what has happened in the past. The book was a great success. But today I notice another set of inventors — not writers, but inventors — who are trying to create the time machine by which you can go back in history and rewrite it.”

Adding, “Now, such an effort is not going to succeed. History is history. You can draw lessons from it, you can draw inspiration from it or you may simply read it. But history cannot be changed. And the efforts that are being made — perhaps similar efforts have been made elsewhere also — they have all failed.”

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Talking about Nehru, India’s first Prime Minster Ansari said, “India would have gone in the way in which many other newly liberated countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America went, but for his (Nehru’s) commitment to democracy and also to build up the institutions which are required to support the system.

“And if you look at it, he built all the necessary institutions to support the democratic structure of India. Many a time, it appeared that perhaps it was all not necessary. But with the passage of time, we find that each and every institution created, nurtured and nursed by him has provided the necessary support to this huge democratic structure o administer one billion-plus people.”