
iPhone 14 Camera Shake Reported In Third-Party Apps

iPhone 14 and 14 Pro did not have a smooth start for Apple, as there were problems reported earlier in the device activation, however, Apple provided a solution for that by updating to iOS 16.0.1 which was a quick remedy for owners who were not able to activate their device.

Now a new issue with iPhone 14 has surfaced, the owners of the iPhone 14 pro specifically had reported earlier the problems with the camera while recording videos using third-party apps. According to the details, iPhone 14 pro has provided shaking and blurry videos while recording the footage using third-party apps.

Apple had announced several camera improvements before the launch of the iPhone 14 series which includes a 48MP camera sensor, Action mode, and more but the hardware is creating problems with the other apps.

Several other users reported the Camera shake also appeared using popular social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. 9to5mac first reported the issue, and later several other users posted on Reddit forums.

Many posts on Reddit claim that the shaking is coming through the Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) sensor. The IOS system in iPhone 14 and 14 Pro is a 2nd generation module that physically moves to provide better image stabilization in the first place, but it seems that things have gone wrong with this upgraded IOS system.

Some users also claim that they can hear the sounds of shaking and movement of the sensor, a video here also explains the issue in more detail.

In our opinion, the problem is not entirely with the sensor IOS itself because it works perfectly fine with iOS 16 and it may require software like iOS 16 to run the hardware properly while using third-party apps.

It clearly means that the apps and their software are not up to mark in order to run the camera module smoothly, therefore, Apple is likely to tweak the settings of the IOS sensor and camera module when used with third-party apps.

We can expect that Apple will release an iOS 16 update in the near future in order to fix these issues.