iPhone Beats Samsung in 2017 last quarter sales

Q4 of 2017 belongs to Apple, so much so that in its sales it has even beaten Samsung in the USA. As per a report from Strategy Analytics, Apple topped smartphone sale list in the USA in the last quarter 2017.
Compared to last year same quarter, Apple sold 40.1 million phones while this year in the same quarter Apple sold 39.5 million smartphones. This year in the Q4 Apple smartphone sale was 2% less.
A year ago in this quarter, Apple shipped 13 million phones but this year it shipped 12 million phones, which is 2.1% less.
Despite these facts, Apple market shares remain right at the top with 30.4%. Samsung is at the second spot with 25.1% sales this quarter.
Globally speaking Apple sold 46.7 million iPhones and the revenue this quarter of Apple was $52.6 billion. Breaking it further down Apple sold 46.7 million iPhones, 10.3 million iPads, and 5.4 million Macs globally in this quarter. Last year same quarter Apple made $46.9 billion revenue and $9 billion profit on the sale of iPhones 45.51 million, iPads 9.28 million, and Macs 4.89 million.
Read also: Samsung Galaxy X can beat iPhone X
Also for Q1 2018 Apple is again expecting huge profit and want to make around 87 billion in revenue.
Tim Cook said, “We’re happy to report a very strong finish to a great fiscal 2017, with record fourth-quarter revenue, year-over-year growth for all our product categories, and our best quarter ever for Services,”
Recently Samsung also made fun of Apple in a new ad, but Apple’s sales prove that let your work speak upon all the criticism being made.
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