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KPK Is Much Faster In Adopting Technology Than Any Province- Report:

KPK government has introduced various projects, digitalized many systems and adopted current technology to improve and enhance the lifestyle of its people. It won’t be wrong to say that KPK is much faster in adopting technology than any other province.

Mining Sector of KPK: The government has made the system online for applicants to apply for license in the mining sector. This will make the system of mining fair and transparent in KPK.

First E-bidding System in KPK: The government of KPK introduced the first e-bidding system in the province. Through this system transparency would be maintained in online contracts and dealings.

Growth in Water and Sanitation Sector Peshawar: WSSP, Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar have digitalized the system for complains related to sanitation. “Safa Peshawar” is a mobile app introduced in Peshawar to help public register complaints related to sanitation, water provision and garbage.

Information Technology Board KPK: Chief Minister of KPK, Pervez Khattak has introduced first information technology board so that youngsters are provided the best most recent and innovative technologies.

Education System Reforms KPK: KPK government is paying attention to the performance of teachers and has warned them on needless leaves. They have collected Rs. 190 million fine by teachers performing poorly. This has raised the standard of education in the province.

Also the KPK government will increase budget by 17% in education, which would make the budget PKR 138 billion for the year 2017-2018.

4th Digital Youth Summit held by KPK government: KPK held Youth Summit four times in the province to provide better opportunities to the youth in the field of information and technology.

Monorail in Peshawar: This is a project by KPK to speed up communication modes in the city.

Read more: 3 day mega event organized by UET Peshawar 

KPK, in Comparison to Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan

When we compare development in KPK with Punjab it is seen that in Punjab metro, transport and better roads is the only development that is taking place. In KPK we see that development in all areas from technology to education to transport is taking place.

Baluchistan has been an ignored part of Pakistan. But now it’s emerging, as it has digitalized land record system and the officials are meeting with various countries like Belgium to discuss developmental projects. Still in comparison to KPK fewer projects are going on in Baluchistan and it would need time for the province to emerge to its full potential.

In Sindh we can talk about projects going on in Karachi like Metro development is starting. The fact is that crime rate and other issues that are stagnant in the city have always put in background any development projects going on.

The fact is that….

It is hard to judge a government’s performance in its tenure because there is hardly any change in the condition of people and society as a whole. This has not been the case in KPK in the last five years. The government has brought positive changes and we should acknowledge, appreciate and encourage it. We can only hope for betterment in other provinces as well.

Image via: Findpk