
Largest DDoS Attack Of All Time: Google, Amazon, And Cloudflare Witnesses

According to a major technology company, the largest denial of service attack of all time is currently underway. According to Google, Cloudflare, and Amazon, unknown attackers are attacking various servers on a scale never before seen. This is made possible by an error in the HTTP/2 protocol.

The origin of the attack is Unknown

Both Google, cloud hosting service provider Cloudflare, and Amazon’s cloud division have confirmed that a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is currently underway that is larger than any previous one. According to a Google blog post, the scale of the attack is seven times greater than the record attack reported by the Internet company last year. At Cloudflare, we are talking about three times the volume of the largest DDoS attacks recorded by the company to date.

Amazon Web Services also spoke out and stated that it was also affected by a new type of DDoS incident. According to all three companies, the current attack began at the end of August, although according to Google it is still ongoing. None of the three companies provided any information about who was behind the gigantic wave of attacks.

According to reports, the attack is currently seeing hundreds of millions of access requests per second. In just two minutes, more queries would be generated than Wikipedia reported in article views in the entire month of September.

According to Amazon, Cloudflare, and Google, the attackers are exploiting a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol, i.e. in the newer version of the HTTP protocol, which is one of the foundations of the World Wide Web. Many servers where the vulnerability still exists are particularly vulnerable to the requests made as part of the DDoS attack.

As is usual with DDoS attacks, in the current case an attempt is being made to bring web servers to their knees by massively flooding them with an almost incalculable number of requests to retrieve data. Google called on all server operators to update their systems to protect them against the current attack.