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Lenovo And Microsoft Are Heading Towards New Strategic Deal

lenovo and microsoft

Lenovo, known as Chinese giant in Tech computer & Smartphone industry is heading towards Lenovo and Microsoft deal with in which Lenovo would be able to provide preloaded MS products such as; OneDrive, Skype and Office, for its android devices running on Google’s new operating system.

Lenovo would be able ship millions of these devices next year, the collaborative and strategic deal with Lenovo and Microsoft will bring more expansion opportunities for Lenovo devices and improve its popularity among users.

Nick Parker VP corporate Division Microsoft has confirmed that

“Our productivity apps will be preinstalled on Lenovo devices”

Christian Eigen Lenovo Said, “This collaborative alliance has made it possible for us to be able to provide our customers with new opportunities to take advantage of most popular Microsoft apps” It would increase our popularity and add value to our business worldwide.



Lenovo’s Market share in Smartphone devices shipments has been declining since the third quarter of 2014. This share plunged from 8.0% to 4.7% in 2015 and its still facing this problem.



Due to this strategic collaboration Lenovo is expected to regain its market position.



Lenovo is not the first one to secure this type of alliance with Microsoft, Microsoft has previously made several similar deals with Sony, Samsung, LG, Xiaomi and others, which helped those companies to enhance the user’s experience and improve their overall growth. Lenovo and Microsoft deal is also expected to bring favorable results for both especially Lenovo.


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Featured image via: the country caller

Via: Verge, PR Newswire