LinkedIn launches a new feature for job seekers

Career Explorer feature is being launched by LinkedIn. It is a tool that will help people in finding new jobs using the skills they already possess.

According to the report, the Career Explorer tool of LinkedIn helps people find career paths they may be well-suited for.

The tool matches people up with new opportunities by mapping existing skills to thousands of available job titles.

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“For example, a food server in the U.S. has a 71% skills similarity to a customer service specialist, one of the in-demand jobs we identified with Microsoft as part of our broader reskilling commitment, making it a possible career transition based on skills.

Our data also shows that 26 million members globally could have all the skills they need to qualify for one of the most in-demand jobs, customer service specialist, by learning just two more skills.”

LinkedIn stated that comparing skills across jobs can help users find the right job for them.

Career Explorer works by analyzing jobs to calculate a metric called skills similarity.

Skills similarity enables Career Explorer to comprehend how well one job might compare to another.

It compares two jobs and assigns a score between 0 to 100.

For example, the skills similarity score between a food server and a customer service specialist is 71.

That indicates there is a higher skill overlap, which helps with transitioning from one role to the other.

“The similarity score reflects both the overlap of common skills between two jobs as well as the relative importance of those skills for each job.”