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Lisbon Port Targetted By Ransom Group LockBit

Opportunities for the Hackers

The port of the Portuguese capital Lisbon has been targeted by hackers. The LockBit ransomware group was able to gain access to the network and steal a large amount of data. The hackers are now threatening to publish the captured information.

The port of Lisbon is the third busiest port in Portugal and the busiest port in Europe. Due to its strategic position, many container and cruise ships dock here. The port’s official website has not been accessible since Friday. An attack by the LockBit hacker group is responsible for this. LockBit claims to have stolen all information from the operator’s database.

Hackers demanding $1.5 million in ransom

This includes financial and audit reports, budget plans, contracts, and logs of ships docking and casting off. Should the port authorities not contact the group and pay a ransom, LockBit would like to release all data. The blackmailers are demanding a sum of $1.5 million and have set the deadline for January 18, 2023. $1,000 is required to delay the publication of the data by 24 hours. If you want to acquire the data exclusively, you also have to pay 1.5 million dollars.

In October, US authorities were able to arrest an operator of the LockBit group after lengthy investigations. Mikhail Vasiliev was arrested in Canada and is about to be extradited to the United States. Despite the success of the investigation, the LockBit group is still active. In addition to the attack on the port of Lisbon, the hackers also carried out an action against the multinational car company Continental a few weeks ago. The masterminds behind LockBit are said to have harmed more than 1,000 victims and made claims of $100 million.