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Memory leak closed: Update for Notepad ++ now available

The text editor Notepad ++ has received a new update. The update not only brings improved functions, but also a bug fix. There had been a memory leak in the previous versions. If you want to test the new version, you have to start the update manually. Memory leaks always occur when software reserves part of the main memory and does not release the occupied area again after use. In many cases, this can mean that all of the computer’s RAM is no longer available for other programs. In Notepad ++ there was a memory leak when switching between dark and light mode. The problem has now been resolved with version 8.2.

In addition, the developers have equipped the text editor with two features that some users have been wanting for a long time. Like from the Blog entry (via Ghacks), you can now exclude folders from the search. In addition, opened content can now be automatically saved when the program is closed. In addition to the memory leak, other bugs have also been fixed. Incorrect behavior when displaying code in the programming languages ​​C, C ++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript and Objective-C have been eliminated.

Download Update Manually

The update is currently not downloaded and installed automatically. The developers usually wait several weeks before the first users receive an update notification about the new version. If you still want to try the latest build, you have to search for updates yourself and install version 8.2 manually.
Download Notepad ++ editor for programmers See also: Caution: Manipulated installer for Notepad ++ distributes malware logo, editor, Notepad, Notepad ++, text editor Notepad ++