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Microsoft And Google Racing To Integrate AI Features In Their Products

Microsoft and Google apparently want to play a cat-and-mouse game around integrating AI features into their products. Shortly after Google announced its own ChatGPT alternative, Bard, Microsoft surprised with its own event.

As has only just become known, Microsoft intends to make new, major announcements as early as today evening at 6 p.m. GMT with its own short-term event in Redmond. The topic has been left open so far, but there is already plenty of speculation that the Redmond-based company will immediately counterattack in the form of their own new ideas from the field of artificial intelligence.

Altman and Nadella in one photo – this can not be a coincidence

For example, Sam Altman, the founder of the startup company behind ChatGPT, posed in a tweet with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shortly after the Google event. Rumors quickly arose that Microsoft and OpenAI could announce version 4.0 of GPT today.

What is explosive about it is not only that Microsoft is holding its event shortly after the announcement of Google Bard, but also that exactly one day later, namely on Wednesday, Google was also invited to an event in Paris. The timing should therefore by no means be a coincidence. However, Microsoft has not yet said a word about what they would like to announce tomorrow.

Various possible uses for AI in Microsoft products are conceivable

Microsoft probably wants to keep up the pressure to push Google ahead in terms of AI integration. It is conceivable that the Redmond company wants to start integrating GPT 4.0 into Microsoft’s adaptation of ChatGPT in the near future. The software company had already given several concrete examples of plans to use AI functions in its products, including the Internet search engine Bing. ChatGPT is already being offered commercially in conjunction with the Teams conference tool.