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Microsoft launches Technology for Good program in Pakistan

Technology for good

In the gist of its central goal to enable each individual and association on the planet to accomplish more, Microsoft has propelled its comprehensively established “Technology for Good” program in Pakistan. This activity is aimed for tending to the technology obstructions associations from the social sector confront endeavoring to achieve their cause.

The Country Manager of Microsoft Pakistan– Abid Zaidi expressed,

“Philanthropy is a vital part of Microsoft’s vision. We believe in sharing our success with the communities, wherever we operate. As a technology-enabler, we create robust platforms that promise revolutionary enrichments in the society. With our focus on the youth, we provide powerful solutions for various national challenges. We are thus inspiring many dynamic partnerships among NGO’s, Academia and donors. These technology-driven alliances are nurturing fresh efforts for nation-building.”


Non-profit associations around the globe have restricted assets. Consequently, it is an intense decision for them to choose whether to put resources into IT foundation or to allocate most extreme assets for community support and social advancement.

The ‘Technology for Good’ program will engage non-profits to accomplish more as Microsoft will give programming and ‘Cloud’ services to enable these associations to fulfill their missions. It guarantees to disentangle the IT challenges for non-profits, with a solid solutions.

Together, Microsoft and philanthropies can bring in groups from all over the world and enable them to bring positive social change, through an assortment of mobile first and cloud-first stages, to make services that improve efficiency. This will empower social-area organizations to concentrate more on accomplishing all the more great, in the groups that they serve.

Technology for good aims to bridge the divide between resource management and effective allocation

Cloud computing technology has now turned into a key component, tremendously affecting NGO’s. By receiving cloud innovation, NGOs can cut their operational expenses and streamline the flow of correspondences, however at the same time modernize bookkeeping systems, and encourage asset management. The innovation given by Microsoft will bring a change in outlook in how the data is managed.

Mr. Aziz Memon – the President of All Pakistan Memon Federation (APMF) tended to the occasion and expressed,

“We are really excited to be a part of this pioneering initiative by Microsoft. We want to thank Microsoft for donating the latest software technologies to the development organizations with a social spirit. The software technologies are already helping a large number of communities, to achieve faster economic growth. Many high-potential Startups are also making tremendous progress due to these powerful technologies.”

This initiative will synchronize the advancement endeavors of more than 80 members speaking to 40+ associations.

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Image via Global Technology