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Microsoft Teams Becomes Built-in App In Windows 11


With the introduction of Windows 11, Microsoft will dovetail its popular communication tool Teams even more closely with the operating system. The software should always be available within the taskbar and provide a direct line to contacts – via chat, video, and SMS.

What OneDrive is to Windows 10, Teams is to Windows 11. Direct integration into the operating system makes it possible not only to merge the design with the new operating system but also to make contact with colleagues, friends, and family even faster and easier.

New messages can be viewed, video chats can be started or phone calls and meetings can be initiated via the context menu in the taskbar symbols, which are located in the center of the factory.

Communication Becomes Easier

It shouldn’t matter whether the chat partners use Microsoft Teams on Windows, Google Android, or Apple iOS. Two-way SMS can even be used to communicate with contacts who do not yet have teams. Shortcuts, such as muting the microphone or sharing the screen content, can also be done with Windows 11 simply via the ‘teams’ icon in the system tray.

It remains to be seen whether the Redmond-based communication tool will be preinstalled as a standard app under Windows 11 – it is conceivable. In our opinion, however, one of the companies will probably not completely impose the program on it and allow it to be uninstalled, as is also possible with OneDrive under Windows 10. With the direct integration under Windows 11, Microsoft should be able to significantly increase its base of Teams users if the quite useful tool should be brought closer to the average consumer.

The reports from the last few days and weeks show that the development of Microsoft Teams is also progressing rapidly. Search and screen sharing have been improved, streaming features for Twitch and YouTube are planned, XXL video conferences can be implemented more easily and even private chats and the spotlight within conferences have been optimized.