Microsoft Testing New Xbox Night Mode Feature

Microsoft is currently working on a new night mode for the Xbox consoles. The basic features of the software seem to have been completed recently, so the Redmond-based company is now testing the functions publicly. However, only one insider ring is currently supported.
Customization Options Available
Anyone who is registered in the Insider Program and registered for the Alpha Skip Ahead Ring can try out the new night mode with immediate effect. With the night mode, the screen can be dimmed and the LED brightness of the controller can be adjusted. The console’s power button can also be customized. According to The Verge, users have several dimming levels available. In addition, at the request of its owner, the console can switch to dark mode and disable HDR as soon as night mode is used.
An optional blue light filter should ensure that the player’s eyes are protected during a nightly session. Most smartphones and desktop systems have had such a feature for years.
Night Mode Activates According To The Time
In order not to have to manually activate and deactivate night mode, the console owner can set a time at which the console automatically changes the settings. It is possible to select the local sunrise and sunset times.
A few more weeks could pass before the night mode is delivered to the majority of console owners. Before the final release, the developers should offer the function in other insider rings and wait for user feedback. If no major bugs come to light, the feature will be integrated into a final build.
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