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Microsoft is working on a game mode

game mode

A new Game Mode feature is under tests in Windows 10 by Microsoft. Rumors about surfaces back in December 2016 but the recent test build of Windows 10 (15007) includes game mode in the Xbox app. Microsoft has not unveiled game mode for its users. Some screenshots are available that show users on how to implement game mode options in Windows 10.

It seems like Microsoft is making an effort in improving PC gaming. The lists of the features offered by the mode let personal computer gaming the “top priority in improving game quality”. However, it is unclear how exactly does the company improve gaming performance in its new mode. Likely it seems that it will simply suppress system processes and other apps. Apps and processes that take a lot of CPU, GPU and RAM resources away from the primary game being played on the PC.

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Game mode might be jointed with broadcasting feature of Xbox

Microsoft acquired Beam last year. It seems that tests of game broadcasting feature in the Xbox app are underway as well. The feature is disabled but in the future Windows 10 users will be able to stream game play to the Beam service with the Xbox app. This will happen when the Windows 10 creators update is released this April.

Image via Windows Latest