Mobile Phone App ‘Roshan Pakistan’ Launched for Electricity Consumers

Pakistan Government has launched a mobile phone app called ‘Roshan Pakistan’. Through this app, the power consumers can have excess to their billing and power supply information for the first time ever.

Users will be able to view their load shedding schedule that is planned and the actual load shedding.

Moreover, users will be able to have excess to their billing information and get duplicate electricity bills.

Also if users add consumed units, a bill estimator will provide them with their estimated bill.

Users can also enter their reference number and know about the facility of net metering at their particular feeder.

Must reaD: Electricity Overbilling a crime, soon to be declared

Minister for Power Division, Awais Ahmed Leghari formally launched this android app on Tuesday.

He said, “For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the government has given the excess of information to the public for maintaining transparency and provision of accurate information.”

He added that the aim of the mobile app Roshan Pakistan is to provide every consumer access to important billing and power supply situation information.

Furthermore, he informed that any user can get billing update, net metering, feeder information about electricity supply as well. In short, it will work as a bill calculator as well.

Awais complimented the government for its effort to protect user’s rights and empowering them.

He added that Roshan Pakistan will give access to information about the distribution companies and any user can use it by just entering his consumer number. On the issue of load-shedding, he said that the mega hydel-power project of Neelum Jhelum completes, around 11,000-megawatt electricity and it would be added to the national grid till June 2018.