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Mobile Services Might Suspend on Kashmir Day

To protest against Indian control over part of Kashmir, every year a holiday is observed on 5th Feb, Kashmir Day.

There has been an official announcement by Ahsan Iqbal the Interior Minister of Pakistan that there will be a public holiday on 5th February 2018. But officially there has been no notification that mobile signals might suspend on Kashmir Day.

Read more: Public Holiday observed on Kashmir Day

If we judge by history, it is happening for years now in Pakistan that on occasions like Chehlum, Ashura, Eid-Milad-un-Nabi, mobile services are suspended in the country. It usually happens that from early morning till late at night people are not able to contact each other via cellular networks as there is ‘No Service’.

Now on Kashmir Day, there are special prayers in mosques for the freedom of Kashmir and protests are carried out all around the country against the Indian oppression endured by Kashmiris. Thus due to security concern, it is likely that the cellular services might suspend. It is a precautionary measure against any likely terror attacks. So during crucial religious and political events services all across the country are suspended.

By the suspension of services, the telecom industry gets affected, users get annoyed and now the businesses of ride-hailing companies like Uber & Careem also gets damaged. These companies depend upon signals and internet connection to communicate with the rider. If the signals get suspended they are unable to get in touch with the rider. Thus their service gets affected.

So people don’t take any risks if you depend on these services, avoid using them on such days, or if traveling is unavoidable you can resort back to the traditional transport system & use taxis.

About Kashmir Day:

Kashmir Day is observed by people all over Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK). It is a day recognized globally and people especially Kashmiris have utmost importance for this day. The aim of the holiday in Pakistan is to show support, care, and unity with Indian-occupied Kashmir people. Pakistani’s observe holiday to tell the Kashmiris that they are with them in their struggle for freedom and to pay respect to the Kashmiri martyrs who lost their lives in this fight for Kashmir’s freedom. Since 1990, on this day a holiday is observed in Pakistan.