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NASA aims to make more of virtual reality


NASA has huge hopes for virtual reality technology. The office is building up a suite of virtual reality environments at Goddard Spaceflight Center in Maryland, that could be utilized for everything from geological research to repairing orbiting satellites.

A virtual rendering of an old magma tube in Idaho influences researchers to feel like they’re standing at the base of an actual cave. One displays red hot launches from the Sun. In another, researchers can watch magnetic fields pulse around the earth. NASA engineer Thomas Grubb manages the program.

The objective is to scale up the use of virtual reality innovation in NASA labs, and go past public applications like the Mars immersion program that enables users to investigate the Martian surface.

Another application being developed could permit experts repair satellites. Individuals on earth could watch continuously as they control real apparatuses in space. In the event that the repairs are fruitful, satellites that would have died when their batteries did could continue working.

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Image via Nasa