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New Google Search Console will now let you access entire past data

Google is introducing new Google Search Console which is in beta at the moment; Google claims that the new search console is rebuilt from the ground in order to provide more control and insights over webmaster data.

Previously, You were only able to access the data for the last 3 months in Google Search Console, now you can measure your site’s performance by looking at the data from the past 7 days, 28 days, 3months, 6months, 12months even full duration when the website was created as well as the custom duration between the dates.

You can also compare the data with the selected range of dates like you do in Google analytics. Google now lets you check the site performance by adding new queries/keywords, pages, countries, and devices.

With this functionality, you will be able to check which specific keywords and queries have got the number of impressions, the number of clicks, the average position and the average click-through rate (CTR).

When you select the pages, you will be able to access the report for specific pages how they performed over time. Similarly, how your site performed in selected countries, how many impressions, clicks you got with what position and CTR in that particular country. The device option tells you about the used devices mobile or desktop.

Additionally, the index coverage tab allows you to get deeper insights about your indexed and non-indexed pages in detail. The search console would provide you all the information on indexed pages, excluded pages and the reason for exclusion, the exact URLs of the pages with issues and much more.

There is also another performance metric, earlier you could only check the performance of your Web but now you can check the performance of your Images and videos separately. The new Google Search Console is awesome, Google is sending beta emails to the users to test and send feedback for the console currently, the company might roll out the changes soon to all webmasters.