Next James Bond Film ‘No Time To Die’ Not Coming To Netflix Or Apple: MGM

Recently it was rumored that a streaming service might secure the next Bond movie “No Time to Die”. Exclusively and beyond the cinema, similar to what Apple did with the Tom Hanks war film Greyhound. But MGM film studio denies it.
The cinema industry was hit particularly hard by the corona pandemic and industry experts expect that many movie theaters and cinema chains will not survive the coming winter. Because in view of the currently exploding Covid-19 numbers worldwide, open halls are currently unthinkable.
Streaming as “Plan B”
This is also a problem for the film studios, but at least in theory they have the option of a plan B, namely streaming. In the past few months, for example, there have been several films that were shown exclusively or parallel to the cinema on streaming portals. Perhaps the best or best-known example is certainly the Disney film Mulan.
Another film that was originally intended for the cinema but then premiered on a streaming service was Greyhound. This is where Apple got hold of and showed the world war drama exclusively on Apple TV+. MGM is said to have considered a similar solution for Daniel Craig’s final appearance as James Bond. The film studio is said to have spoken to Apple and Netflix about such an option.
Bond is “not for sale
The background to this is that the film has been finished for months and is waiting for its release, plus financial difficulties that MGM is said to be stuck in. But meanwhile, the studio has denied the matter to Entertainment Weekly. Accordingly, the new 007 stripe is and will be scheduled for April 2, 2021. MGM said: “We are not commenting on the rumor. The film is not for sale and will be released in April 2021.”
Lead actor Craig recently said he really wants No Time to Die to debut in theaters: “This thing is just bigger than any of us, and we just want people to make this movie the right and safe way See wisely. Theaters all over the world are closed right now and we want to get the film out all over the world at the same time, and this is not the time. “
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