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Nintendo Switch 12.0.3 system update pulled quietly due to major problem

Nintendo Super Switch

Nintendo pushed the 12.0.3 version of the system firmware for the Switch console, but it was withdrawn urgently after a few hours quietly, and the latest check update is still 12.0.2. The update withdrawal was also reported on Reddit by users.

Nintendo officially stated that the 12.0.3 version update has now been withdrawn. If you have already updated to this version, you may encounter network connection problems, or the MicroSDXC card cannot be used. Please wait for subsequent updates.

Research snipers acknowledged that the 12.0.3 version updated yesterday did not have any new features, and the official said it “improved user experience and system stability.” This is the first time a major system update problem has occurred on the Nintendo Switch console. Do not update to version 12.0.3.