Telegram, a messaging app was busy to counter the government’s accusations to collect user data from over the past year, but the company hasn’t forgotten to do something new for its users.
The company has announced to make a new update which allows its users to manage multiple accounts through the same Android app. The latest version of Telegram for Android can let you use up to three accounts with different numbers.
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You are able to easily switch between them from the side menu of the app, but Telegram will send notifications for all of them regardless of which one is currently active.
Moreover, the iOS app still can’t support multiple accounts, but the company has decided to do something new for the iOS users, as well. Telegram allow its iOS users to change the overall look of the application by heading to the new appearance setting.
Changing the look of the app is not quite as useful as having the option to use multiple accounts, but allowing people to change the theme setting means the other features of Android will soon be available on the iOS version.
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