OnePlus Band Receives Heavy Criticism Over Miserable Battery Life

The Chinese manufacturer gained an excellent reputation for itself in the first few years with its “lots of smartphones for little money” approach. A similar attempt is being made with the OnePlus Band on the fitness tracker market, but it does not seem to work that well.
For a long time, fitness bands were more of a marginal phenomenon, but Xiaomi, in particular, managed to make this type of wearable available to the general public. This was achieved through a particularly good price/performance ratio – especially through the low financial entry barrier – the current Xiaomi Mi Band 5 is available for less than 30 euros.
This can also be described as the classic OnePlus strategy and this is now being tried with the recent official OnePlus Band. This fitness tracker had already surfaced in the past few days and was revealed last night. More than that: The first media have already received the device for testing and have already published their first impressions.
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The tracker, which was initially only intended for the Indian market, offers many features in the opinion of Android Central, but is nowhere near as “polished” as its direct competitor, the Xiaomi Mi Band 5. This is also absolutely comparable to the OnePlus Band, in terms of form and functionality. This applies to the 1.1-inch AMOLED display (126 x 294 pixels) and the design with the fact that the device is placed in a rubber wristband.
Two days instead of two weeks
Otherwise, the device, which costs 2499 Indian rupees (around 28 euros), offers various classic fitness functions. Android Central says that the accuracy is not always optimal, but the criticism is tolerable.
This does not apply to the battery life: The site has massive criticism here (other media also confirm this) and believes that it is completely unacceptable. Because instead of holding a charge for about two weeks as advertised, the OnePlus strap has to be recharged after less than two days.
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