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Only Pro Models Have Faster 5G

Apple has just introduced the new iPhone 16 series. As expected, only the more expensive Pro models come with a faster 5G modem, thanks to which they can actually offer higher speeds in corresponding mobile networks, according to tests. Apple

Speedtest app provides first data on 5G speed

The makers of the SpeedSmart app, whose tools enable the measurement of transmission rates in various mobile networks on smartphones, have in a blog post explains that, according to their data, the new iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max can actually achieve higher 5G speeds than the other models. Although the iPhone 16 is not yet widely available, SpeedSmart has already been able to collect and evaluate data from tests with a total of four models in Apple’s new smartphone series. The information relates exclusively to the USA, where on average almost 24 percent higher transfer rates were measured with the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max than before.

According to the information, this only applies to the Pro models, as the two cheaper models in the form of the iPhone 16 and the iPhone 16 Plus are not equipped with the same new Snapdragon X75 modem from Qualcomm. Rumor has it that the Snapdragon X70 5G modem that was already used in the previous models will continue to be installed here. On average, the new iPhone models achieved significantly higher downstream transfer rates overall.

The leader was T-Mobile USA, where an average of 447.5 Mbit/s was achieved in downstream via 5G with the iPhone 16 Pro. Last year, the average in the tests recorded by SpeedSmart was a good 376 Mbit/s in downstream. According to SpeedSmart, upload transfer rates also increased, with the increase corresponding to around 22 percent. In general, one should not attach too much importance to the information on average transfer rates in the US networks anyway.

The information is very specific to the US market and the transfer rates cannot be generalized anyway, as the speed can vary greatly depending on the country, region, city or even street. In this country, most network operators limit the data rates possible via 5G to values ​​well below the average results measured by SpeedSmart.

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