Opera browser New feature video pop-out while switching tabs

Opera is launching some new features with the latest web browser update for Windows. This includes that videos that are playing will now automatically replay when you switch tabs. There is also something new for the snapshot tool. Opera version 83 begins a slew of changes to the stable channel for the web browser – users can already download the update and try out the new features (via Ghacks).
Opera mainly emphasizes two new features. The first is a picture-in-picture feature for videos. It is an automatic pop-out feature. When a video is playing in a browser AB and you switch tabs, the video automatically pops up in picture-in-picture mode as a small pop-out window, so you can keep watching it while you’re on the next page. are surfing. This should be especially useful for multitaskers, other browsers have had an extra like this for a long time.
As soon as you switch from a tab that, for example, has a YouTube video running, it automatically switches to video mode. Returning to the original tab will close the pop-out window. You can also set the pop-out window as a transparent overlay. At the moment, however, the feature only seems to work reliably on YouTube.
Memes Maker
The second innovation concerns the snapshot tool in the Opera browser. There is now a menu item added to create memes. You will be given the option to add text to a screenshot. Further changes can be found in the Release Notes for the Major Update. Opera 83 is based on Chromium 97. This means that the option to remove the default search engines from the preconfigured list is now disabled for Opera as well.
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