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Pinterest Lens: The visual search tool

visual search

Pinterest  is every famous for DIYs. Today, it introduced Lens which is a visual search tool. The visual search tool makes use of the machine vision to identify objects in the real world. The identified objects are then suggested to Pinterest users through the service. The Lens service is in beta form running inside the mobile version of Pinterest app. Lens can be considered a sort of app which is similar to Shazam in its functioning but for objects.

Users can point it at food, clothing items or even the night sky and Pinterest will gather objects for you that it finds relatable. Evan Sharp in a demonstration of the new feature used it to identify a pomegranate. The search results included pomegranate bread, pomegranate sandwiches and much more. In another attempt to demonstrate the awesomeness of Lens, he showed a boy pointing his phone towards the night sky.

Lens by Pinterest is a modern way of search which shows objects in context. For example, if you’re going to capture a sofa then search results will show the photos of rooms where the sofa is a part of. This gives a better sense of how it would look like before purchase. The ground basis for Lens is the visual search technology which Pinterest introduced in the market back in 2015.

The visual search tool is the new future

The feature will be a part of the update which the company announced in an event at San Francisco today. By tapping on the circle in the bottom right corner of each pin, the lot of similar pins can be found. Another terrific update is the option of “Shop the look” which is the tool used for identifying items in pins. They can then be used to buy and link up to offers that help in making the purchase.

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Shop the look feature uses a combination of machine learning and human curation for its purpose according to Pinterest. Neiman Marcus, Wayfair, Macy’s, Target and CB2 brands are available in this feature.

The United States users can use Lens from today onwards.

Image via Windows Central