The design of Google smartwatches, the Pixel Watch and Pixel Watch 2, is almost the same. While Google has refrained from altering the style of this year’s model, a recent patent could indicate a redesign for the Pixel Watch 3. According to the information shared by Wearable, the tech giant Google has possibly filed a new patent referring to a smartwatch. The information indicates that the next smartwatch by Google might feature some sensors that could detect movements like presses, taps, squeezes, and swipes.
Reportedly, the patent has been labeled with the following words: “Gesture recognition on the watch bezel using strain gauges.” With these sensors, the smartwatch may be used in novel ways and certain apps might be controlled. It seems that Google wants to make the design simpler so that users won’t have to cover the already limited amount of screen real estate while navigating.
The patent claims that because the user cannot see what they are picking or scrolling, content on such a small screen is readily occluded when touching the device. This makes it challenging to select and scroll properly. It also notes that the manufacturing and waterproofing processes are complicated by buttons, bezels, and crowns. In addition to this, the patent document states that although rotating crowns, dials, and others are suitable options, they have their cons.
Several current smartwatches feature rotating scrolling buttons that are relatively efficient. But they are built on complex mechanical structures that include tiny moving parts. They must be waterproof to function properly. Besides this, some users even remove the crown to enjoy the aesthetic look of the smartwatch.
On the other hand, a device with gesture recognition controls inside the covering presents a clean look and design appeal since it eliminates the requirement of moving parts. If this is true, then the Pixel Watch 3 could be buttonless from a design perspective. Well, this is quite interesting but at the same time, one must remember that it is only a patent since companies file several patent ideas and only a few of them make it to reality.
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