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Preorder Apps from Apple store now

You must have been preordering newly launched mobile phones from the Apple store or other mobile stores. But now the trend is changing, Apple would now let you preorder Apps on Apple store.

Apple made it possible for the users who are always looking for latest trendy apps and download them on their handsets so often. Now if you forget to download any trending app, Apple is there to help.

From the sellers’ side, it is also handy for App developers to make their apps available in the store for preorders, developers also can get insights about the popularity of their app by doing this. Developers can place their Apps for preorder 90 days before official launch, this is the time period consumers can preorder apps.

One you preorder any app it will be delivered to your phone instantly when its published on the store. If the apps are paid then obviously you will be charged for the apps, but the real benefit is you will be charged a lower price than normal for preorders. It becomes a good deal for consumers if they are habitual downloaders of latest, trending apps to try them out on their mobiles.

The new feature covers all the apps on IOS, macOS as well as tvOS. Get ready to preorder the apps in the coming days and always stay updated with trending apps and even save money on your apps spending.